Mosquito the name applied to species of blood sucking flies and its transmits a pleothora of deadly diseases like malaria, dengue, chickenguneya , filarial, yellow fever and encephalitis. Mosquito considered as one of the major & life threatening pest of the 21st all types of fresh water bodies like, brackish water, contaminated sewage water, water collected at the discarded tyres, coconut shells, broken pots, waste tins / vessels etc.
The available method of mosquito control are usually classified into chemical, biological and environmental depending on whether the control of vectors is attempted through the use of chemicals or biological agents (or) by management of the environment.
Since it is a flying pest, it cannot be carriedout to individual houses (or) homes, rather carriedout to large industries, townships, apartments, corporate offices, big shopping malls etc.
Since mosquito is a flying insect we suggest you to sign an Annual Maintenance Contract to control it effectively
Periodicity and frequency of services is decided after inspection of your premises