pest control services for cockroaches in koramangala

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Pest control for cockroaches

Since cockroaches are a common and highly dangerous pest which causes various infections and diseases like dysentery, diarrhea, asthma and food poisoning. Apart from this it also contaminates foods and utensils. They also leave foul odour which leads to unpleasant and uncomfortable environment in the houses, kitchen, pantry’s, cafeteria, hospitals, offices etc.

Kickpest uses HERBOGEL to help you control cockroaches and other crawling insects. Herbogel controls not only roaches, but also effective against other pest like, black ants, red ants, spiders, silverfish etc.

Herbogel method is backed by spraying of totally new generation chemical which is highly effective against all types of crawling insects dwelling / hiding in cracks and cervices electrical appliances etc.

Herbogel is ideal for use in crèches, food joints, hospitals, schools, labs etc.


  • Herbogel treatment is totally odourless & effective against roaches
  • Not necessary to vacate the area (or)empty out the kitchen stores
  • Hassle foe and safe for infants, patients, pets & other occupants
  • Total environmental friendly

Service Type

We strongly recommend to avail, Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) to get rid of cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects.

Advantage of AMC

  • We provide four services per year at an interval of every three months for residential period
  • For big commercial complexes, cafeteria service frequency shall be decided based upon inspection
  • All service complaints will be attended immediately without any extra cost during the contract period.

Single Service

Even though we are recommending AMC of our clients insist one time single service, we undertake the same without any warrantee.

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